Lukas Låås

Fullstack developer

~ whoami

I am a programmer with a heart for music. I've been programming since middleschool and have been coding full-time for three years. If you need a programmer or just want to have a chat please reach out. Currently I'm spending most of my free time on music and personal projects.

Technical abilities

  • JavaScript/TypeScript
  • Next.js/React.js
  • Express.js
  • Drizzle/PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • C#


  • Swedish native
  • English fluent


Venue map

Venue mapVenue mapVenue map

A web app to crowd source data about music venues. The goal was to make it easier for smaller artists and concert goers to keep track of music venues. At the moment the user submits data and I add and update venues through the admin panel. The main page shows details about music venues around the country. Please feel free to contribute if you feel like it!

Slow Messaging App

Slow messaging appSlow messaging appSlow messaging appSlow messaging app

For our final weekend assignment in the Salt bootcamp we were supposed to build a full stack messaging app. The tech stack included Next.js, PostgreSQL and Docker. In 3 days I was able to meet all the requirements and end up with a result that I am very proud of.

Music app

Music website

An app for me to show off some music demos. Built with Next.js. Future plans include an admin page for easier uploading and a cleaner interface.

Brick Dashboard

Brick dashboard 1Brick dashboard 2Brick dashboard 3Brick dashboard 4Brick dashboard 4

The internal dashboard of Brick Technology, I remade a couple of pages based on new designs and added a system for uploading pictures for their venues to AWS S3. I also added a function for checking the health of batteries and a page for viewing articles.

Work experience

Brick - 2 month summer job

I worked on their admin dashboard as a full-stack developer. The dashboard is written in React using TypeScript and fetches data from AWS. One of the things I added was a feature to upload images to S3.

Brick - 10 week internship

As part of my education I had a 10 week internship, during this internship I worked on their admin dashboard as a front-end developer. The page is written in React using TypeScript.


Salt JavaScript Fullstack

3 month bootcamp learning fullstack JavaScript and working in mobs. Focus on Express.js, Next.js, Drizzle, and other modern JS frameworks.

Gymnasieingenjör NTI

"Vidareutbildning i form av ett fjärde tekniskt år, profil: informationsteknik."

EN: "Continuing education in the form of a fourth technical year, profile: information technology"

One year of learning agile and scrum on real projects including a 10 week internship at a real company.

Teknikprogrammet NTI

Highschool technology program.